Foreign media exposure Jobs wishes: Research and development of Apple's own TV

Five years ago, with the death of Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson published Jobs's autobiography. This autobiography reveals that Apple had been or planned to develop its own television.

However, five years have passed and there is still no news about Apple TV on the market. According to Recode, they have found evidence that Jobs did indeed develop Apple TV's R&D work. Jobs himself disclosed his TV program to Recode's Walt Mossberg, but he did not mention the details of the plan. Jobs said that after he resigned as CEO, he would devote himself to TV research and development.

Foreign media exposure Jobs wishes: Research and development of Apple's own TV
Mossberg revealed that Jobs was already very weak, but his spirit was very encouraging. His ideal TV set undoubtedly had the style of Apple: high quality and easy to use. Jobs's idea of ​​TV at that time was beyond the hardware.

As we said, Apple has not put its plan into practice for five years.

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