Large-size panel shipments decreased AUO's April revenue decreased by 3.1%

The peak of China's May 1 inventory replenishment has passed. Taiwan's panel maker AU Optronics' consolidated revenue in April was 32.952 billion yuan (NTD, the same below), down 3.1% from March and 11% from the same period last year.

AUO pointed out that the decline in revenue in April was mainly due to the fact that the overall large-size panel shipments included approximately 9.47 million LCD TVs, desktop monitors and notebook computers, a 7.2% decrease from March, and small and medium-sized panel shipments. It increased by 3.6% from March, reaching approximately 13.1 million pieces.

The legal person pointed out that based on AUO's investment in new technologies in the past few years, AUO has performed well in the field of high value-added display, and the enthusiasm of mainland tablet PCs and smart phones continued to fever, allowing AUO to place orders for the second quarter. The visibility is high, so the second quarter revenue, profit, and profits will be further improved.

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