Shanghai will soon introduce environmental protection standards for substation construction

It is reported that Shanghai plans to invest 5 billion yuan each year in the construction of power transmission and transformation equipment and power grid during the "10th Five-Year Plan" period and during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period. It will build six 500-kilovolt substations and 62 220-hour power plants. Volt substations, 60 110 kV substations and a large number of 35 kV and 10 kV substations to increase power supply. In order to eliminate the panic of the people on the substation and ensure the smooth construction of the power facilities, the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau will soon introduce a "Design Specification for Environmental Protection of Substations", which will resolve the "contradictions of the station group" at the source.

It is understood that at present, China's "Regulations on the Protection of Electric Power Facilities" only stipulates the protection zones for overhead power lines. The design of substations has not yet met the requirements of environmental protection technology, and the construction of substations has not been incorporated into the unified planning of urban construction. With the increasing number of complaints from the people about the substation, the relevant state departments have not yet had an "authoritative statement." To this end, the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau organized the "Shanghai Substation Environmental Protection Design Code Study" this year to take the lead in formulating a set of substation construction and surrounding environmental protection design specifications and "local standards" of related technologies to make the substation's environmental design There are laws to follow and construction.

Experts suggest that substation construction should be synchronized with urban development, regional development planning, residential community development planning should be included in substation construction projects, and environmental impact assessment of construction projects; in residential development projects, in principle, substations should be built in advance; Urban, urban, and populated residential areas do not develop above-ground substations of 500 kV and above. Separate self-cooling transformers should be used for substations of 35 kV and above; encourage substation to be located in large green spaces, or develop Underground substations; substations generally maintain an appropriate distance from residential buildings or other environmentally sensitive targets, 220 kV for 20 kV, 15 m for 110 kV, 15 m for 35 kV, and 8 m for 10 kV.

In addition, in the design specifications of substation construction, experts also put forward a number of specific measures, such as the construction of substations in villages, towns, and population-populated residential areas, all using underground cables, the radiators are cooled by natural ventilation, and the walls of substations are used. Reinforced structure with good grounding, etc.

At present, the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau has submitted the research report “Shanghai Substation Environmental Protection Design Specification” (draft) to the Shanghai Construction Engineering Standards Quota Management Station, and proposes to add it to the “2005 Shanghai Construction Standards”. Prepare the plan." It is reported that due to the vital interests of the general public, the "Specifications" will be widely heard by experts and the public before the official promulgation. After the "Regulations" was officially promulgated, the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau will make science and education films to promote popular science to the general public and guide people to correctly treat electromagnetic radiation.
The authenticity of this information has not been confirmed by the international electrical network, for your reference only.

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