North China Electric Power Supervision Bureau Four "Measures" regulate the electricity market

In the past six months, the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau has in-depth understanding of the actual situation through seminars and research in accordance with the requirements of the SERC. On the basis of fully soliciting and absorbing the opinions of relevant departments, experts and power companies, the “North China Regional Power is open, fair, and Interim Measures for the Administration of Fair Dispatch Reports (referred to as “Administrative Measures for “Three Public” Dispatching Reports”) and “Interim Measures for the Implementation of Information Disclosure System for Open, Fair and Just Dispatch of Power in North China” (referred to as “Three Public” Dispatching Information Disclosure Measures”) , "Interim Measures for the Administration of Recording and Selling Electricity in North China Region and the Grid-Connected Scheduling Agreement" (referred to as "Administrative Measures for Contracts and Agreements"), and "Interim Measures for the Implementation of the Joint Conference System of the Factory and Network of the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau" (referred to as "the implementation method of the joint meeting system of the factory network" and other four methods, using the system to regulate the order of the North China power market.
Since its inception, the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau has focused on the regulation of the power market order. In response to the problems found in the “two demonstration texts” implementation in 2005 and the on-site inspection of the “three public” dispatching of power, the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau recognized that it is necessary to start from the system first, and the system is not only to regulate the order of the electricity market. Guarantee is also the basis for carrying out supervision work. For this reason, the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau took the initiative to attack, combined with the work content of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission in 2006 and the focus of regional market supervision in North China, to find the basis from the relevant laws and regulations of the SERC and grasp the connotation. Under the premise of ensuring that the implementation of supervision is not offside, not bad, and not lacking, the "Three Public" Dispatching Report Management Measures, "Sangong" Dispatching Information Disclosure Measures, "Contract and Agreement Filing Management Measures", "Factory" Four measures for the implementation of the network joint conference system, standardize the dispatch report and information disclosure in the “three public” dispatch, the filing of contracts and agreements, and the joint meeting of the plant and network.
The "Three Public" Dispatching Report Management Measures is used to regulate the power dispatching agency to submit the "three public" dispatching situation to the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau and the local electric power supervision office. The methods include general rules, reports, review and supervision, evaluation, rewards and punishments, etc. content. The "Three Public" Dispatching Information Disclosure Measures is used to regulate the dispatching agencies to release the prescribed information to the society and relevant power generation enterprises in a timely manner. The measures stipulate the contents to be disclosed in the daily, monthly and annual reports, and the disclosure time and relevant punishment measures are carried out. Provisions. The "Administrative Measures for the Recording of Contracts and Agreements" is used to promote the signing of "contracts" and "agreements" between power grid enterprises and power generation enterprises. The procedures for submitting "contracts" and "agreements", the contents of review by regulatory agencies, and the process of rectification and filing The punishment was detailed. The Measures for the Implementation of the Joint Conference System of Plants and Networks are used to standardize the joint conference system of the plant and the network, and to build a platform for “researching and coordinating the relationship between the plant and the network and discussing major issues”. The measures stipulate the contents and issues of the joint meeting, the convening of the meeting and Hold the content and other content.
On December 30, 2005, the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau held an on-site inspection briefing on the “two demonstration texts” and the “three publics” dispatching situation in North China in Beijing, and organized the relevant persons in charge of the North China regional power enterprises to conduct the four measures. After full discussion, the first three "Measures" were released and implemented on February 10, 2006 after fully absorbing the feedback from the power companies. On February 15, 2005, the North China Electricity Regulatory Bureau convened the responsible comrades of the Economic and Trade Commissions (Development and Reform Commission, Industrial Office) of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in North China to further discuss and implement the Measures for the Implementation of the Joint Conference System of Plants and Networks. Consensus, this method will also be released and implemented in the near future.
The authenticity of this information has not been confirmed by the international electrical network, for your reference only.

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