半导体业复苏信号隐约可见 仍需低成本




同样开始重拾信心的还有模拟器件领域的龙头企业TI(德州仪器),该公司在今年第一季度的营业额和利润都超出业界预期。据TI总裁兼首席执行官Rich Templeton介绍,在经历了两个季度的暴跌之后,市场对TI产品的需求量开始回稳,很多客户都开始增加订单,因为他们降低库存量的速度已经开始放缓。在该季度,TI的库存量大幅减少,库存总额比上季度下降了2.77亿美元。Templeton表示:我们降低库存量的计划已基本完成。预计第二季度的产量将比第一季度有适度的上升。






降低成本仍是大多数半导体企业的主题词。通过削减库存和降低产量等举措,英飞凌在今年第一季度(该公司2009财年的第二季度)将净营运资本削减了7200万欧元。英飞凌首席执行官Peter Bauer表示:我们的节支举措取得了良好进展在2009财年上半年期间,我们为限制自由现金流出,大幅缩减了资本支出与营运资本。最终,我们成功实施了英飞凌有史以来最具成效的节支计划。

意法半导体总裁兼首席执行官Carlo Bozotti也表示:通过重组制造业务,降低营业支出,我们在降低成本上取得了稳定的进步。在第一季度,我们关闭了在摩洛哥的Ain Sebaa封装厂,4月中旬,我们关闭了在得克萨斯州卡罗敦的晶圆制造厂。总体上看,2009年第一季度,我们人员减少了3200人(不包括无线业务合资公司)。由此可见,尽管全球领先的半导体企业对市场前景表示乐观,但在具体行动上还是非常谨慎。



不过,DRAM市场近期也传来了好消息,现货市场的内存芯片价格在过去两个月内呈迅猛增长的态势。莫大康告诉本报记者,主流1GB DRAM芯片平均现货价格已经从低谷时期的0.5美元上升到1.2美元,尽管比起1.5美元的成本价还有一定的差距,但已经连续10个季度遭遇产品价格下跌的DRAM企业终于从产品价格的走势上看到了赢利的希望。


4家台光电巨头落厦门 投资逾一亿美元 2009-05-15
勤上光电获2008中国LED技术创新奖... 2009-05-15
全球LED市场竞争加剧威胁三大巨头地位 2009-05-14
郑州成十城万盏试点 5年推12万盏LED 2009-05-14


Sex Toy Vibration Motor voltage is lower than 6 v, small size, shaking force is strong, the price is cheap. Concrete can be customized according to the requirements of various parameters of the Vibration Motor!

tungsten steel material
plate material
Sex Toy Vibration Motor
Sex Toy Vibration Motor
Sex Toy Vibration Motor

Vibration of the motor head material, copper, tungsten steel material, plate material, place head motor with different material, different vibration strength, the unit price is different

Operating temperature range:

Sex Toy Vibration Motor should be used at a temperature of -10~60℃.

The figures stated in the catalog specifications are based on use at  ordinary room temperature catalog specifications re based on use at ordinary room temperature  (approximately20~25℃.

If a Micro Vibration Motor For Sex Toy is used outside the prescribed temperature range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.Depending on the temperature conditions ,it may be possible to deal with them by changing the grease of the motor's parts.Please feel free to consult with us about this.

Storage temperature range:

Sex Toy Vibration Motor should be stored ta a temperature of -15~65℃.

In case of storage outside this range,the grease on the gearhead area will become unable to function normally and the motor will become unable to start.

Service life:

The longevity of Micro Vibration Motor For Sex Toy is greatly affected by the load conditions , the mode of operation,the environment of use ,etc.Therefore,it is necessary to check the conditions under which the product will actually be used .The following conditions will have a negative effect on longevity.Please consult with us should any of them apply.

●Use with a load that exceeds the rated torque

●Frequent starting

●Momentary reversals of turning direction

●Impact loads

●Long-term continuous operation

●Forced turning using the output shaft

●Use in which the permitted overhang load or the permitted thrust load is exceeded

●A pulse drive ,e.g.,a short break,counter electromotive force,PWM control

●Use of a voltage that is nonstandard as regards the rated voltage

●Use outside the prescribed temperature or relative-humidity range,or in a special environment.

●Please consult with us about these or any other conditions of use that may apply,so that we can be sure that you select the most appropriate model.

when it come to volume production,we're a major player as well .each month,we rurn out  600000 units,all of which are compliant with the rohs directive.Have any questions or special needed, please contact us, we have the engineer group and best sales department to service to you Looking forward to your inquiry. Welcome to our factory.

vibration motor

Sex Toy Vibration Motor

Sex Toy Vibration Motor,Micro Vibration Motor For Sex Toy,Dc Sex Toy Vibration Motor,12V Motor For Sex Toy Vibrator

Shenzhen Shunchang Motor Co., LTD. , http://www.scgearmotor.com